Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Pearl UPGRADED!!

Hai Hai! Konnichiwa minna-san, Michiyo here! ^.^

Did you guys notice the forum??

Yup, we did a very very BIG changes!!!
Do you like it? I know I like it XD

If you notice it carefully, you can see the header got 'Summer Pearl' word & nice H!P members pic slide show!
Who did it??
Not me make it!! Is Yuki made it!! thank you!! Yuki~~

& & you got saw the background image?
ICHIGO!!!!!! Kawaii naa~
I totally SUKI SUKI SUKI this forum!!!

Do you guys felt like that too??
I give a 5/5 start rate for the changes!!!
How about you? How many do you give for the changes?? ^.^


  1. I rate 5/5!!!!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!! ^.^

  2. 5 stars!
    Love the header slide show!
    The background looks so sparkly too =D

  3. hehe XD
    wow... 5 star!!
    Thank You~~
